1 The intention of this sentence is to suppose what happened in the past.
2 A linguistic task is to make a scenario to show the way the word “how” is used.
私の訳: 言語の課題は、「how」という単語がどう使われるかを示すシナリオを作ることです。
3 Why is this kid always restless fidgeting, unable to sit still?
That is how ADHD is defined.
私の訳: この子はなぜいつも落ち着きがなく、そわそわしているの?まさにADHDだ。
4 Let’s start with the following, and see what others have to add to it
私の訳: 次ではじめましょう。そして、みんながなにを加えるか、みてみましょう。
5 Politicians, I’m sorry to say, sometimes choose words just for their value as insults,
without much attention to fine differences of meaning.