{1 - 24} グレー
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You really have to listen to the owners to ask them not just about whether they think their cats are in pain, but to ask about specific behaviors that their owners may not have thought were associated with pain.Ask about から後の構文が分かりません。specific behaviorsは名詞で、間に(that their owners may not have thought)が入っているので、specific behaviors(that)were associated with pain. のthatが省略されているという理解であっていますか?またそれが正しいならどうして thatが省略できて wereを省略しないのはなぜでしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。

1 回答

> specific behaviors(that)were associated with pain. のthatが省略されているという理解であっていますか?


①まず、文の構造は下記の通り、ask about 1) & 2)。

You really have to listen to the owners
to ask them not just about
1) whether they think their cats are in pain,
2) but to ask about specific behaviors that their owners may not have thought were associated with pain.

1) whether they think their cats are in pain
2) but (also) specific behaviors that their owners may not have thought were associated with pain.
※but以下の(to ask about)は間違ってはいないですけども、余分ではあるのでカット。

1) whether they think their cats are in pain
but (also)
2) whether specific behaviors that their owners may not have thought were associated with pain.

to ask them about
1) whether S + V = whether they think their cats are in pain
but (also)
2) whether S + V = whether specific behaviors were associated with pain

なので、that their owners…はspecific behaviorsが何かを具体的に説明している関係詞節なだけで、
骨格は、specific behaviors が pain と associated しているかどうか。という文。

そうすると、that はカットされているというか元々無いものであり、were がなぜ残っているのか?という話にはならないな!

You really have to listen to the owners to ask them not just about whether they think their cats are in pain but (also) whether specific behaviors that their owners may not have thought were associated with pain.



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