{1 - 24} グレー
{25 - 49}
{50 - 499}
{500 - 4999} オレンジ
{5000 - 24999}


問題1 An auditor will visit the factory to determinewhether or not —— air-quality standards are being observed.
(A) accept
(B) accepting
(C) acceptance
(D) acceptable
問題2 Mr. Bond has —— the marketing team for its excellent results.
(A) to be praised
(B) praise
(C) been praising
(D) been praised
問題3 The clothing shop is ——because it sells quality uniforms at competitive prices.
(A) successful
(B) success
(C) succeed
(D) successfully
問題4 Ms. Brown recently —— positive reviews for her performance.
(A) receives
B) was receiving
(C) is received
(D) received
問題5 In order to keep prices ——,ABC Bakery will begin making its breads on the premises.
(A) reasonable
(B) reasonably
(C) reasoning
(D) reason



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