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前置詞 in とon

1.There are eight planets in the solar system.
2.There are five players on a basketball team.
3. There are twenty-five letters in the English alphabet.
4. There are thirty days in September.
5. There are fifty states in the United States.

1 回答

In, on と at は感覚で覚えるしかないと思いますが、わかる範囲で回答してみます。

1.There are eight planets in the solar system.
何かの空間の中だからinかな。in the parkとかと同じ、多分です。

2.There are five players on a basketball team.
in the basketball teamでも有りと思います。
「in a team」はイギリスでは言われるらしいです。
北米では「on a team」のほうが普通と思います。

3. There are twenty-five letters in the English alphabet.

4. There are thirty days in September.
in は広い期間を表現するのに使います。e.g. in 2010, in the spring, in September.
短い期間、例えばFridayだったら、on Friday になります。

5. There are fifty states in the United States.


In: –preposition
1. (used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits): walking in the park.
2. (used to indicate inclusion within something abstract or immaterial): in politics; in the autumn.
3. (used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period or limit of time): in ancient times; a task done in ten minutes.
4. (used to indicate limitation or qualification, as of situation, condition, relation, manner, action, etc.): to speak in a whisper; to be similar in appearance.
5. (used to indicate means): sketched in ink; spoken in French.
6. (used to indicate motion or direction from outside to a point within) into: Let’s go in the house.
7. (used to indicate transition from one state to another): to break in half.
8. (used to indicate object or purpose): speaking in honor of the event.

On: –preposition
1. so as to be or remain supported by or suspended from: Put your package down on the table; Hang your coat on the hook.
2. so as to be attached to or unified with: Hang the picture on the wall. Paste the label on the package.
3. so as to be a covering or wrapping for: Put the blanket on the baby. Put aluminum foil on the lamb chops before freezing them.
4. in connection, association, or cooperation with; as a part or element of: to serve on a jury.
5. so as to be a supporting part, base, backing, etc., of: a painting on canvas; mounted on cardboard; legs on a chair.
6. (used to indicate place, location, situation, etc.): a scar on the face; the book on the table; a house on 19th Street.
7. (used to indicate immediate proximity): a house on the lake; to border on absurdity.
8. in the direction of: on the left; to sail on a southerly course.
9. (used to indicate a means of conveyance or a means of supporting or supplying movement): on the wing; This car runs on electricity. Can you walk on your hands? I’ll be there on the noon plane.
10. by the agency or means of: drunk on wine; talking on the phone; I saw it on television.
11. in addition to: millions on millions of stars.
12. with respect or regard to (used to indicate the object of an action directed against or toward): Let’s play a joke on him. Write a critical essay on Shakespeare.
13. in a state or condition of; in the process of: on strike; The house is on fire!
14. subject to: a doctor on call.
15. engaged in or involved with: He’s on the second chapter now.
16. (used to indicate a source or a person or thing that serves as a source or agent): a duty on imported goods; She depends on her friends for encouragement.
17. (used to indicate a basis or ground): on my word of honor; The movie is based on the book.
18. (used to indicate risk or liability): on pain of death.
19. (used to indicate progress toward or completion of an objective): We completed the project on budget.
20. assigned to or occupied with; operating: Who’s on the switchboard this afternoon?
21. Informal. so as to disturb or affect adversely: My hair dryer broke on me.
22. Informal. paid for by, esp. as a treat or gift: Dinner is on me.
23. taking or using as a prescribed measure, cure, or the like: The doctor had her on a low-salt diet.
24. regularly taking or addicted to: He was on drugs for two years.
25. Informal. with; carried by: I have no money on me.
26. (used to indicate time or occasion): on Sunday; We demand cash on delivery.
27. (used to indicate the object or end of motion): to march on the capital.
28. (used to indicate the object or end of action, thought, desire, etc.): to gaze on a scene.
29. (used to indicate subject, reference, or respect): views on public matters.
30. (used to indicate an encounter): The pickpocket crept up on a victim.




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