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“in a response to”か“in response to”

can I use “in a response to” in the sentence below instead of “in response to”?
以下の文で”in response to”の代わりに”in a response to”を使えますか?

TOKYO — In response to a series of cases in which foreign tourists have left Japan without paying medical fees, the government plans to refuse reentry to foreign visitors who may do so again, according to sources.

Read more: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1000910/visitors-who-ditch-medical-fees-to-be-barred-from-reentering-japan#ixzz5XdS9uEK9 Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook

Thanks in advance.

1 回答

Sounds ok to me.



“in a response to” → 複数のresponseの内の1つ。 “in response to”1つのメインのresponse



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