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sounds like, tastes likeのlikeの代替

I have a question that has been bothering me.
I have heard people saying “tastes like, sounds like or feels like” in daily conversations, but at the same time, I have heard some say that you can’t use this usage of “like” in your essay because it sounds informal. Then, what do I have other choices? In my guess, I feel like I may use “as if” instead, but not sure. Please give me some advice, thanks.


1 回答


Tastes like water. → Tastes similar to water.

Sounds like an airplane. → Sounds comparable to an airplane.

Feels like sandpaper. → Feels identical to sandpaper.

こういう時はThesaurus が便利です。



便利なサイトと色々な代案を教えていただきありがとうございました。 あともう少し教えてほしいのですが、 ・She looks like she is tired. ・I felt like I had a very valuable experience today. こういう文だと「like」を使わないとどうなるのでしょう?



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