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if の役割について

In 1910, Robert Falcon Scott set out to become the first person to reach the South Pole. A year and a half later, he arrived, only to discover that Roald Amundsen had beat him by 34 days. And if that weren’t bad enough, on the journey home, Scott and his entire team froze to death on the punishing tundra.

上記の文中の”And if that weren’t bad enough”で使われるIfの役割が分かりません。
Ifを抜いて”And that wasn’t bad enough”なら分かるのですが…。

2 回答

“if that weren’t bad enough”は「その上に」等を意味する熟語です。
dictionary.comでは”as if that were not enough”を
On top of that; additionally; furthermore. Often used to introduce a further difficulty, problem, or misfortune in addition to that which has already been described.と定義してます。



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