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Have an affair について

With the rather small turret on an oversized hull with tracks openly running around the top, it almost looks like what would’ve come out if Nigel, the Male WWI tank, had an affair with Eloise, the french FT17…Enough nonsense,

この文章のwhat would‘veからがうまく理解できません。have an affarは〜と関係を持つ。ですよね?戦車の話題でそれを当てはめると不自然な気がします。

1 回答

it almost looks like what would’ve come out if Nigel, the Male WWI tank, had an affair with Eloise, the french FT17…Enough nonsense→ 男のWW1戦車のナイジェル君から出てきそうなのが、フランスのFT17のエロイズちゃん(女子戦車)と不倫したモノに見える。いい加減にしろ



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