{1 - 24} グレー
{25 - 49}
{50 - 499}
{500 - 4999} オレンジ
{5000 - 24999}

続 このストーリーの笑いどころについて教えてください。

1.A friend’s daughter worked part-time in his office while she attended graduate school.One morning,a call came in for her.
“She’s not in yet,” my friend said.”Can I take a message” “I’ll call back later.” the woman said. At 11 o’clock, she tried again, and he reported that his daughter had gone to lunch.
The last call came at3:30.” Sorry, she’s left for the day.Anything I can help you with?” “Yes” the caller said.” How can I get a job with you?”

2.A customer called our rental store to ask about rectangular tables. ” We have six-foot and eight-foot tables,” I told him.
His response:” What’s the differnce?”

1 回答


How can I get a job with you → ここで働きたい(勤務時間が短いから)

② 駄洒落です、footはテーブルの脚とテーブルの長さ(ヤードやフィートなど)という二つの意味がある。

なるほど〜! よくわかりました!ありがとうございます!



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