{1 - 24} グレー
{25 - 49}
{50 - 499}
{500 - 4999} オレンジ
{5000 - 24999}



2 回答

We only have a few days left in 2015. Thank for everything this year. Yesterday was my last day at my part time job for this year. Although I had some troubles, I would like to thank all my coworkers, the senior staff, instructors, students, housewives and customers, etc. for all their support. This year was a year of thanks and I thank everyone for their continuing support in 2016 as well. Because this is a gym, knowledge and practice are necessary. Whatever I cannot do now I will try my best to perfect next year. Looking for a job after university has got me worried, but eventually I hope to find something that I’m happy with.



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