{1 - 24} グレーグレー
{25 - 49} 緑
{50 - 499} 青
{500 - 4999} オレンジオレンジ
{5000 - 24999} 赤
{25000+} 黒




Answer the questions
Rearrange seven words out of the eight words in ①-⑤ in the correct order. Then answers the 3rd and 5th words. (Remember that in each list one word should not be used.)

When scientists talk about sequencing the human genome, they have been talking so far ①(a/about/as/composite/ creating/drawn/from/picture) the gene sequences of many people. That has now changed for good. Recently, the director of the Human Genome Sequencing Center at the Baylor College of Medicine gave James D. Watson, who with Francis Crick discovered the structure of the DNA molecule, two DVDs that contained the complete sequence of Watson’s DNA. So the time when anyone can contract to have his or ②(be/ can’t/DNA/far/from/her/off/ sequenced). That brings into focus a number of important questions, some ethical, some personal. Watson has asked not to be told about his version of a gene that has been linked to a predisposition for Alzheimer’s. The question of what we want to know, and don’t want to know, about what our genes ③(can/grow/not/only/tell/us/will/with) time. Understanding the human genome is an intimidating problem. But ④(at/intimidating/even/how/is/more/much/ understanding) of what we become is driven by our genetic makeup and how much by the environment we live in and the choices we make. The possibility of individual genomic sequencing inevitably raises feelings of hope and fear. For now, the most appropriate response is patience. There is no disputing the information contained in your genomic sequence. But what really ⑤(at/is/matters/quality/stage/the/this/whether) of the information we have about that genetic information. And that story is just beginning


①a. 3rd. as 5th: from
b. 3rd. creating 5th: composite
c. 3rd: picture 5th: from
d. 3rd. a 5th: picture

②. a. 3nd: DNA 5th: can’t
b. 3rd: sequenced 5th: be
c. 3rd. be 5th: off
d. 3rd. far 5th: from

③. a. 3rd. us 5th: only
b. 3rd. not 5th: with
c. 3rd: tell 5th: will
d. 3rd. will 5th:grow

④. a. 3rd even 5th: much
b. 3rd. is 5th: at
c. 3rd: intimidating 5th: understanding
d. 3rd. more 5th: how

⑤. a. 3rd. at 5th: stage
b. 3rd. whether 5th: matters
c. 3rd stage 5th: the
d. 3rd this 5th: is






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