{1 - 24} グレー
{25 - 49}
{50 - 499}
{500 - 4999} オレンジ
{5000 - 24999}


先に投稿したタイトル エッセイの英文を自分なりに訂正した下記の文に二つwouldがありますが、実は2つ目のwouldがよくわかりません。これは可能性を表すものなんですか。
Things that we would never have imagined take place.


Things that we would never have imagined would take place.
というようにwould を2つ使うことで調和するのかなと想像できますが。

2 回答

Things that we would never have imagined take place.で問題ありません。

Things that we would never have imagined would take place.でも文法的に問題ありませんが、意味ニュアンスは若干違います。
Things that we would never have imagined would take place.は、例えばIn another universe, things that we would never have imagined would take place. のような、可能性のニュアンスがありますが、
Things that we would never have imagined take placeはThings that we would never have imagined DO take placeという雰囲気ですね(そのthingsが実際に起きている)。例えばThings that we would never have imagined take place everydayなど。



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