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did I have time to take in may appearanceの訳しかたと文法を教えてください。

Only once I’d managed to jump on the underground train as it was just about to leave did I have time to take in may appearance, reflected in the dark carriage window.


1 回答

Only once I had managed to jump on the underground train as it was just about to leave出発しそうだった地下鉄に乗った時点で
did I have time to take in my appearance, reflected in the dark carriage window. 自分の見た目を暗い車両窓で見る時間ができた
小説等の文章?と想像しますが、よりシンプルに言い換えれば、Once I had jumped on the underground train, then I had time to take in my appearanceになります。それでわかりやすくなりますでしょうか。


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