{1 - 24} グレー
{25 - 49}
{50 - 499}
{500 - 4999} オレンジ
{5000 - 24999}

aren’t strongly selected againstの主語

A final possibly worth mentioning here is that the genes which make us age might be passed on from one generation to the next simply
because they have some positive benefit to us when we are young and their negative side effects are manifest only after we have reproduced,
so aren’t strongly selected against.
上記の文章の最後の文章(so aren’t strongly selected against)の主語は何でしょうか?分かる方いましたら教えてください。

1 回答

主語はthe genesと思います。
A final possibility worth mentioning here is that the genes which make us age might be passed on from one generation to the next simply because they have some positive benefit to us when we are young and their negative side effects are manifest only after we have reproduced, so they aren’t strongly selected against.


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