{1 - 24} グレー
{25 - 49}
{50 - 499}
{500 - 4999} オレンジ
{5000 - 24999}


使役動詞 madeの受動態はtoを使って表すと聞きました。
他の使役動詞(let, have)やget A to, help A (to)の受動態も同じでしょうか

I made her go home.
→ She was made to go home by me.

I had her go home.
→ She was had to go home by me.

I let her go home.
→ She was let to go home by me.

I got him to clean my room.
→He was gotten to clean my room by me.

I helped him (to) clean my room.
→ He was helped to clean my room by me.

1 回答


I made her go home.
→ She was made to go home by me.(OKですが、少し不自然。よく使われる言い方ではありません)

I had her go home.
→ She was had to go home by me.(×です)

I let her go home.
→ She was let to go home by me.(OKですが、不自然に聞こえます。She was allowed to go home 等と言います)

I got him to clean my room.
→He was gotten to clean my room by me.(×です)


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