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Going / Giving / Given / Gone ?

四つの中から選ぶ問題です(Going/Giving/Given/Gone) that the President reportedly has tasked some in the administration with developing the outlines of an arrangement or that he may want to bag a victory over China, anything is possible.この答えはGivenになるのですが、全くわかりません。おしえてください。

1 回答

この”given that”は「~を考慮すると、~を考えると」等の意味になります。

Given that it is cold out, we should wear coats.
“the fact”を入れると、少しわかりやすくなるかもしれません。
Given (the fact) that the President reportedly has tasked some in the administration with developing the outlines of an arrangement or that he may want to bag a victory over China, anything is possible.

上記の文は長く、わかりにくいかもしれませんが、”given that 〜, anything is possible.”というパターンであると考えれば、シンプルかもしれません。


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