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it would be unfair to maker their son follow the rules if her husband dose not first of all change his habitsのdose notについて

it would be unfair to maker their son follow the rules if her husband dose not first of all change his habits

主節が仮定法になっているのは、to 不定詞句 ‘to maker their son follow the rules’ に仮定の意味が含まれているからというのはわかるのですが、筆者は文法的にはif文内のdose not はdid notだと記述しておりました。
何故、did not が文法的には正しいのに本文はdose not になっているのかわかりません。


Also some of the sports programs,like boxing or wrestling,are very violent,Carol feels.Eddie regularly sees his father’s TV behavior.Carol thinks,therefore,that it would be unfair to maker their son follow the rules if her husband dose not first of all change his habits

1 回答

doseはdoesの間違いです(do の現在形)


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