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Sad Day for PuppetsのHuman Heartという曲 歌詞



歌手:Sad Day for Puppets
曲名:Human Heart

1 回答


He’s not human, but he’s made from human parts.
He’s not like us, but he’s got a human heart.
Can he feel it? Does it ever make him sad?
Is it beating? Is it aching really bad?

He’s all alone tonight like any other night, comes in the stars in the sky and every other night.

There he goes now, walking on his own.
Like a joint, of skin and flesh and bones.
Would he cry now, if he knew how to cry.
(Will he size now, but his size’s all in the dry) 補足:sizeは多分違いますが、sizeしか聞こえません..

He’s all alone tonight like any other night, comes in the stars in the sky and every other night.

One dead last night.
(He left true light.)  これも、he left trick lightに聞こえる.. 
Brought him to life, and all of heaven cried.

He’s not human, but he’s made from human parts.
He’s not like us, but he’s got a human heart.
Can he feel it? Does it ever make him sad?
Is it beating? Is it aching really bad?

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