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Sad Day for Puppetsという歌手のStardustという曲の歌詞



1 回答


It only takes a spark
To light a longing heart
So sick from all desire
And calling out for fire
So I’m burning
And I’m crushing down
And I’m turning
Into (rush and) snow

Somewhere down in the (island) dream
Long (and long) is crying for me

It only takes a (shar?)
From your silent heart
To turn me into stone
A pile of dusty bones
So I crumble
And I fall apart
And I stumble
Into your (world/arms?)

Somewhere down in the (island) dream
Long (and long he) is crying for me

(Always like sun)
Don’t you turn around
Or she will be forever (march?)

Somewhere down in the (island) dream
Long (and long he) is crying for me

When I close my eyes to sleep
(Always love he is here on me)

迅速なご回答感謝いたします。 歌詞が知れて嬉しいです。 ありがとうございました。



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